“This book makes a significant contribution to the field and should be a must-have for any director who wants to make a difference. I highly recommend it!”
— Richard Leblanc, PhD, Professor of Governance, Law & Ethics, York University, Independent Board Member and editor of The Handbook of Board Governance
About Cynthia E. Clark, PhD
Cynthia E. Clark, Ph.D is a corporate governance and business ethics expert. She regularly conducts training sessions on ethical decision-making, shareholder activism and optimal nominating and governance procedures to senior management teams and boards of directors. She is widely cited in the media on governance issues, including recently in The Wall Street Journal, The Boston Globe, Forbes, CNN, Reuters and Bloomberg Radio. She is an active member and speaker with the National Association of Corporate Directors, 2020 Women on Boards and the Society for Governance Professionals. She is also the author of Business & Society: Ethical, Legal and Digital Environments (2020). Cynthia is a Professor of Management and Director of the Geneen Institute for Corporate Governance at Bentley University.
About About Giving Voice to Values in the Boardroom
This book takes the central issues facing board members today and applies the giving voice to values framework while also providing insights from practicing board members who have faced these issues. It covers such topics as strategic planning and monitoring, director independence, privacy and cyber risk, executive compensation and CEO succession planning. With this book, readers will also grapple with the conflicts of interest that might arise in the director selection process, role of the nominating committee and the compensation committee in order to cultivate more optimal board dynamics.
Listen to Cynthia
In the boardroom we have to ask how we establish value and assist in generating a prosperous board, but how can you lead a team of board directors through the study of corporate governance? We answer this question and discuss the five most important factors in becoming an effective board member with today’s podcast guest, Cynthia Clark.
Also by Cynthia
Business and Society: Ethical, Legal, and Digital Environments prepares readers for the modern workplace by exploring the opportunities and challenges they will face in today's interconnected, global economy. The author team discusses legal and ethical issues throughout and uses real-world cases to provide students with a holistic understanding of stakeholder issues. Chapters on social media and citizen movements, big data and hacking, and privacy in the digital age provide in-depth coverage of how technology is transforming the relationship between organizations and consumers.
From the Blog
There have long been suggestions that there is not – or should not be – a one size fits all approach to corporate governance. Some of the criticisms of this approach have been that each board is different with respect to industry, culture, competition, technology etc. And while true, experience on one board does not a governance expert make.
Read MoreLatest Research
When Boards Broaden Their Definition of Diversity, Women and People of Color Lose Out, Harvard Business Review
Beyond tokenism: How strategic leaders influence more meaningful gender diversity on boards of directors, Strategic Management Journal